Category Archives for "SEO Services"

Web Checklist for Monterey Websites

Image via Wikipedia Website owners in the Monterey Bay can benefit from this excellent checklist to make your site as search engine friendly as you can. This list is from SearchEngineGuide‘s Stoney DeGuyter.  If you want your pages indexed easily and often, follow these tips: Correct robots.txt file: Make sure robots.txt file is free from […]


Link Building 101

I noticed that there are a lot of posts that may assume too much when it comes to link building.  In fact I myself mentally brushed off a lot of valuable information I was sifting through in my quest to know it all and ‘get there already’; in ignorance to be sure.  I want to […]


110 SEO Basics

  Use these Monterey SEO basics to rank higher and quicker: Content is king.  Provide quality, relevant content (seeing a trend here?). A master plan.  What is it you want optimized?  Hopefully, you want to be a resource for information, products, subscriptions, etc.  You want to build links with respected sites in your field or […]


9 Free Analytics Tools

It’s time to dig into your pages and see how they function after you set them free into the world wide web…when optimizing a page, like I did for Monterey SEO, you then need to measure the traffic it ‘drives’.  Traffic is made of people, and I am always inclined to mention it because you […]


5 Claims That Give SEO a Bad Name

SEO work, when done right…DOES work.  The internet gives even a small business the opportunity to interact with thousands of people.  Each day! Marketers know this, and online marketers know it better.  You can, with a focused approach, build a web site that attracts visitors by simply giving them the answers they want.  In a […]


1Internal Linking Power Tips

When linking, don’t underestimate you own internal links; first and foremost the goal is a satisfied visitor.  And a page with a good navigation system that helps robots index content and deliver relevant query results and helps the user find what they want is the best of both worlds. First, common sense:  have you ever […]


Simple Tips To Optimize For Google

There are easy steps you can take today to be sure your pages are crawled and indexed by search engine spiders. First, be sure the site has a sitemap.  Since Google is the biggest player, have a sitemap Google likes.  The sitemap basically leads the bots from page to page and shows them what is […]


Article Marketing Gets You Everywhere

I hated writing articles.  Seriously.  It was tough enough to have content on my web site; to also submit NEW content to article directories.  But everything i read told me it was the right way to go. There is also a right way and a not-so-right way to write articles.  Duh.  No one really shares […]

Google Analytics Alternative